Well, as they say, a picture paints a thousand words! A photograph can convey thoughts and ideas which words alone sometimes, cannot do justice to. Images can thrill us and inspire us; they can be heart-breaking and incite outrage; they can bring tears to our eyes and can also lift our spirits. Images are powerful as they allow us to see the world rather than just look at it. They remind us of what we forget – like the good times and I guess the bad too, but they help keep alive our precious memories. With that said, we present to you the latest of Kadamba Kanana Swami’s tour of Europe in just pictures!
After participating in the Summer Camp in Serbia, Kadamba Kanana Swami travelled to Villa Vrindavan in Italy (10 July) to participate in a Kirtan Festival. Thereafter, Maharaj visited Radhadesh (14 July) to teach part of the Kirtan Course that is currently running. Last weekend, Maharaj travelled to Prague to be part of the Ratha Yatra celebration (20 July)! And, on Wednesday (23 July), Maharaj did a program at the Harinam Mandir in Prague. A few pictures are presented in the gallery below but for the full illustrated story, kindly visit flickr.
Links to more photos:
Ratha Yatra in Prague, 2014 – Part 1
Ratha Yatra in Prague, 2014 – Part 2
If you cannot view these links due to not having Facebook, the pictures are on flickr as well!