We wish you a Merry 2015, etc etc….
Did you know?
We had 12673 views per month! (last years average was 8510)
- South Africans visited the blog the most with 18288 views this year
- We published 338 articles, with 846 images and media files,
- This is almost 650 MB in one year, with a total of 40.6 GB
Top 16
Top “ten” lists are flooding the internet at the end of the year, so here is a spiritual top 16! You can make your own interpretations on this list. We just wonder why “Strong medicine” is still on top?! Check out the list from last year.
- Strong medicine
- Sex in Vedic culture
- The lonely vaisnava
- To be or not to be… vegan?
- A farewell to my disciple Visnujana
- The brahmachari and the grhasta
- Tightening the screws
- Visit Brahmananda
- Friendship is important
- The opening of Iskcon Noida Temple, Delhi
- Kirtan Mela Mayapur, 2014
- The perfect soul mate!?
- Kartik vows
- Offering potato chips!?
- Service in Serbia – Fruska Gauranga Summer Camp, 2014
- Sex: Is that all there is?
What was your favorite post? Let us know!!!
Who made this possible?
- Ragalekha dd – 80 posts – our stalwart chief editor
- Harsarani dd – 61 posts
- Amrtavani dd – 55 posts
- Ananda Vrindavan dasi – 49 posts
- Nicole Moodley – 44 posts
- KKSBlog – 34 posts – general account for posts
- Uddhava das – 17 posts – the nerd who didn’t change much this year
- Kristin Kallas – 13 posts
- Nama rupa dd – 6 posts
- Candrasekhara das – 4 posts
- Yamuna dd – 4 posts
Our team is, of course, much bigger. We get content from our readers and our regular contributors that are published under the general kksblog author account. We are not forgetting you!!
Next to our contributors, editor and other staff, we have our devoted financial backers. They support us with the much needed funds to keep this website running and going forward. In 2014, we changed our fundraising technique. Now you can buy an audio album, hard-drive or other goodies and support us at the same time. So, you get something wonderful and support KKSBlog simultaneously.
2014 is almost over but you may still visit our support page
We acknowledge the following people who have supported KKSBlog:
- Aashish Sharma
- Jyestha dd
- Rachael Huang
- Vanessa Schutz
- Nadia Mani dd
- Govardhanesvari dd
- Astasakhi dd
- Gita Govinda dd
- Mark Davison
- Doyal Govinda das
- Tony Perkins
2015 already?
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The Kingsday & Vyasa-puja festivals are coming!! Read more…