I was always an idealist, and still today, I am an idealist. My father is late, but if I would meet him now, I would say the same thing. He would say that life is a compromise and I would say, “Maybe for you it is but for me, it’s not.”
But how can I say such a thing? How can I say that life is not a compromise when you have to do so many things that you never asked for? Yes, you have to, because of the circumstances – you cannot just do what you want. So how can I say that life is not a compromise?
Of course, it is true – I have to do things like everyone else – things I am obliged to by my environment. That is there! There are laws, there are rules. There are so many restrictions imposed upon me that I did not ask for but I have to play along, otherwise it is too much trouble. So isn’t life a compromise, as my father would say?