The Kirtan Mela in Mauritius took place from 10 – 12 April. Although it is a small island, over 5000 devotees participated and there was a lot of coverage on national TV as well as other media. Kadamba Kanana Swami, Bhakti Caitanya Swami, Lokanatha Swami, Sacinandana Swami and BB Govinda Swami were some of the main kirtaniyas in this event. Kadamba Kanana Swami’s solar birthday fell while he was in Mauritius and devotees surprised him with a celebration; photos are included in the slide-show. Here is a short description of the festival!
By Kadamba Kanana Swami
The Kirtan Mela in Mauritius was especially nice because there was a great sense of togetherness. The Sannyasis stayed practically eight hours in the kirtan every day and the devotees were very enthusiastic. It was the biggest international Krsna conscious event ever and everyone was on fire as they chanted and danced for hours. The devotees were very warm and caring so our stay was very nice. When I was on the plane leaving the country, an older Indian couple asked me, “Did you come from the Kirtan Mela? We could hear it in our house.” The Kirtan Mela flooded Mauritius in an ocean of ecstasy!
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Day 1 – Kadamba Kanana Swami – 10 April 2015
Day 2 – Kadamba Kanana Swami – 11 April 2015
Day 3 – Kadamba Kanana Swami – 12 April 2015