Thursday, January 16


Dear  BBT Africa Supporter

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Africa herewith presents to you its Annual Report for 2015.

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The continent has recorded its best score since 1992, with 267,941 books distributed for 2015.

South Africa was the number one distributor, after chasing Kenya for top-honours in the last five years. Once again, the 6th Annual Conference in Durban, South Africa has played a significant role in galvanizing more devotees in the host country to participate in the December Book Marathon.

From a production point of view, four titles were printed, with Vanity Karma winning the Benjamin Franklin Award for best book in the religion category in 2015.

BBT Africa’s financial position remains strong, keeping it poised for fulfilling its mandate of making Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books and teachings available throughout Africa in whatever language a person prefers.

Yours in the service of Śrīla Prabhupāda,
The BBT Africa Team


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