(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 10 April 2016, Durban, South Africa, Sunday Program Lecture)
Let us dedicate our whole life to Krsna. Let us gradually get rid of interruptions. It is said that pure devotional service is that which is uninterrupted. But what we do is a little service and then we think we deserve some sense gratification, “Okay, I did some service at the temple, so now I can watch TV.” In this way we are interrupting our service but gradually, we have to un-interrupt it. There should be no more time in between. Everything should be service. Every place should be a holy place. Your home should be a temple, your car should be a temple and even at work something sacred should be there. Somehow or the other, every place should be dedicated to Krsna, every action should be dedicated to Krsna. In this way, we can improve our spiritual life.