Wednesday, November 6

Time flies by when you are reading KKSBlog! And indeed, you have been visiting the site and reading many articles. Facebook offers “Your year in review”, other sites do their annual closing year posts and KKSBlog takes the time to share what you have been reading, commenting and reacting on in 2016. So sit back and enjoy this year’s summary…

Our Team & Readers

Help I need somebody! Not just anybody… but only our most helpful team of transcribers, travel reporters, editor and of course, our readers! Again we have memorable posts like this one that rock the scene a bit, next to the almost 300 other posts that were published this year. This would not have been possible without our team and the quality could not have been kept so high without the expert editor eyes of Ragalekha!

And last but certainly not least we have you, our readers, to thank for visiting, appreciating and commenting. We are being ‘followed’ everywhere and again some articles appeared on!!

2016 Statistics

We published fewer posts (286) in 2016 than 2015 but increased the quality of our publications and we revisited older posts that were in a dire need of a re-edit. We also received fewer visitors (52653 vs 56635 in 2016) due to our stronger Facebook presence and newsletter subscription.

World Domination

India is again strong this year with the most visits but newcomers Mexico and Mauritius have joined the Top 10!


What was read most?

Here is the Top 10 of most read* articles in 2016 on KKSBlog. When we would combine the newsletter and facebook articles the count would be even higher. You reacted the most by commenting on the post “Vegans – Toothless tigers”. That was a nice controversial post!

970 views – The Elephant of Material Life is my Companion
714 views – The Appearance Day of Srila Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur
705 views – Vegans – toothless tigers!
572 views – Astrological compatibility
576 views – Do you think sex is bad?
541 views – “Never trust a guru who does not dance”
478 views – School excursion: Boat tour in 1968
477 views – Lord Nityananda’s Appearance Day, 2016
476 views – Vyasa Puja & Kingsday 2016: Recordings
466 views – Give your heart even when it hurts

* Of course, KKSBlog is more than just news, we have an online shop, Vyasa-puja news, photos of Giriraja and other pages. We have omitted these pages from the Top 10 but they would score very high if they were included 😉

If you like to view the top 10 of 2015 go here.

Sales & Donations

KKSBlog is run by volunteers and is maintained by the sales of the online shop and donations from our visitors and friends. Our yearly costs average to about $750 euro so donations are welcome. Please support us if you can so we can continue our work.

Sales total : € 1861
Costs total : € 1425
Balance: € 436

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