(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 30 December 2017, Gold Coast, Australia, Bhagavad-gita 8.20)
At the end of our lives, there will be a weighing scale to see if we have enough to go back to Godhead. We will first put on the scale all our devotional service that we may have accumulated in our lifetimes, and there may not be much movement in the scale at that point. We will then add Prabhupada’s mercy onto our scale, and it will start to show some real movement then. But the real difference comes in when we place the blessings of all the vaishnavas.
Vaishnavas have the power to bless. So we must acknowledge that all vaishnavas across the world carry blessings with them, and our goal is to get all of those blessings. Not just some mercy, but all the mercy is required to enter Godhead. We must pray that somehow or rather, our actions will improve and that every vaishnava will think favourably of us. This is not so easy, as we have the tendency to step on some toes here and there, even inadvertently. We may make mistakes, but regardless we must still endeavour to attain the mercy of all the vaishnavas. If all the vaishnavas think good about us, then that will put great weight in our scale.