(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 9 September 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Janmastami Lecture)
It’s not that we have to fast, it’s just that there is no time to eat because there is too much to do for Krsna.
Janmastami is about focusing on the lotus feet of Krsna, about meditating on Krsna, thinking about Him, reading about Him and just getting totally absorbed in the thoughts of Krsna. This is the purpose of Janmastami, to somehow or other be completely absorbed in Krsna. In some temples, the Krsna book is being read the whole day on Janmastami. So in this way, devotees can go in and out of this room and hear about pastimes of Krsna all day, and it is a nice thing to do for Janmastami. Many devotees remain absorbed in Krsna in other ways – some by chanting extra rounds, some by distributing books and so on. There is no time to eat on this day! It’s not that we have to fast, it’s just that there is no time to eat because there is too much to do for Krsna. So this is the spirit of Janmastami – to get absorbed in Krsna, to remember Him and to glorify Him all day.
Watch the full video below or by checking out the ISKCON Ljubljana YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxXe3kPni-s