Sunday, January 19

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 25 November 2020, Simhachalam, Germany, Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture)

Krsna is conquered by all, but most by the devotee who gives the most, who does the most.

Love is the foundation of everything. It is not like a sentimental wet blanket. Sometimes, we hear of impersonalists speak about the cosmic love and how one has to connect to that cosmic love, that all this cosmic loving energy is all-pervading and if one simply connects to it then they will also become like an instrument of that love. That is the impersonal loving energy, like a wet loving blanket. Love has nothing to do with that. Love is personal. And love means you have to do something to capture me if you want me to love you. Real love is based on conquering. We have to do something that is really dear to someone else if we want to conquer them. That is the basis of love, that is the basis of the spiritual world. Everyone is trying to do something extraordinary to conquer Krsna. And Krsna is conquered by all, but most by the devotee who gives the most, who does the most. Pure devotional service attracts Krsna and that is the secret of the spiritual world. And when we attract Krsna, then miracles start to happen, then we become uplifted above the mundane.

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