Dear Devotees
On Thursday 9th March at 12.06pm, under the gaze of Śrī Giriraja, in the holy land of Śrī Vṛndāvana dhāma, in the loving company of his spiritual master and the vaisnavas, with a resounding kirtan party, His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami departed from this material realm.
“Intelligent persons who take shelter of beautiful Vrndavana’s opulent vines melting with motherly love, and throw far away the idea that they are material, become supremely successful, both in this life and also after death.” (Prabhodananda Saraswati, Vrindavana Mahimamrta)
Samadhi & Memorial Services
Programmes for HH Kadamba Kanana Swami
All programmes will be live streamed & recorded
ISKCON Vrindavan YouTube –
Kadamba Kanana Swami YouTube –
Friday 10th March 2023
Procession & Samadhi Ceremony – 9.00am Onwards
The Procession will arrive at Krishna Balaram temple at 9.00am
The ceremony will then take place at the Gosalla Samadhi Area.
Kirtans – 3.00pm Onwards (@ Goshalla Pandal)
Saturday 11th March 2023
Memorial Programme (with special guests) – 8.00am
Onwards (Temple Room, Krishna Balaram Temple)
Special Feast – 1.00pm Onwards (Krishna Hall)
Sunday 12th March 2023
Memorial Programme (for Disciples only) – 10.00am
Onwards (ISKCON Extension Centre, Rukmini Vihar)
(note that all times above are IST)
1 Comment
HH Kadamba Kanana Swami is in the eternal Association of his Sri Guru maharaj Srila Prabhupada and Sri Nitai Gauranga.
The Last Message from HH Kadamba Kanana Swami recommds us that We must follow the Four Regulated principles and chant 16 rounds, which is the only way to Beat Kaliyuga and get out of this material world, which is full of Ignorance and Darkness.
Chant Hare Krsna Maha Mantra and be Happy !!