We are happy to announce the publication of the new book “Vanity Karma: Ecclesiastes, the Bhagavad-gita, and the meaning of life,” by Jayadvaita Swami. The book is available from Amazon.com…
Browsing: Jayadvaita Swami
Articles written by and about Jayadvaita Swami. These articles were previously published on his personal website jswami.com.
The Bhaktivedanta Swami Lecture, in honor of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada This is the first annual Bhaktivedanta Swami Lecture, given at Wits University in Johannesburg under…
A new addition to the Blog in 2015 is Featured Posts on Jayadvaita Swami. Posts in this category have been selected as they have proven to be very popular and…
The renewed website of HH Jayadvaita Swami has been launched today, the 3rd of March 2014. Jayadvaita swami has been writing extensively for the Back to Godhead magazine, published and…
Submitted by Jayadvaita Swami on www.jswami.com on January 24, 2013 – 1:14am There is also a planet of trees presided over by Aryama, who represents Krsna. Bhagavad-gita As It Is, first edition, purport…
The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Africa is responsible for everything related to the publication and distribution of Srila Prabhupada books in the the huge African continent. And the BBT has published…
Honouring the Spiritual Master The second Trayodasi in the month of Kartika marks the day of Sripad Jayadvaita Swami’s Vyasa Puja. For many years, Kadamba Kanana Maharaja was personally present…
This an Open Vyasa-puja book – open to all Srila Prabhupada disciples. Last year we had over 250 devotees contributing an offering to the book, who also received a book…
Here is an golden oldie, but still relevant. It has probably been posted before although i could not find it. But nevertheless this video with Jayadvaita Swami giving class in…
Today at the Sunday feast in Ljubljana, Slovenia Jayadvaita Swami gave a wonderful class on the importance of our little tongue and our devotional life. For your pleasure you can…
We welcome you to the new blog about HH Jayadvaita Swami.On the Jayadvaita Swami Blog we will post the latest news and tidbits, transcripts, videos and other media related to…
Morning class by HH Jayadvaita Swami in Sridhama Mayapur, 06 January 2010: Go directly to the link
Jayadvaita SwamiWe have two kinds of needs, material and spiritual. I can’t deny that I have basic material needs, like eating for example. ‘Well I’m spiritually realised I don’t eat…
There’s the material world and there’s the physical disappointment. You know we wanted, we didn’t get it! Or we wanted it, we got it and we lost it! So there’s…
Audience: If everyone tries to achieve spiritual happiness then they’re not going to get married. The human race is going to go back down…. Jayadvaita Swami: If everyone tries for…
Jayadvaita SwamiLive for the moment or seize the day and then get what you can out of it now, You can take that approach……But if there’s something higher while you’re…
During the month of kartika in Vrindavan Jayadvaita Swami gave a short but powerful class with complementing questions and answers. One of the questions was “Why is there still religion…
Jaydvaita Swami: I’m not saying you know, somehow or other, if the chocolate tastes good put a rubber band around your tongue or something because you know you just did…
(Jayadvaita Swami 10/2007)We’re all connected. we all belong to….we’re all parts of the Supreme. And now we’re acting as if we’re disconnected, and that disconnectedness is causing us untold difficulties.…
(Jayadvaita Swami 10/2007) There’s an interesting history in one of the Puranas about a child named Prahlada. He was spiritually advanced from his childhood. He met a great sage and…
(Jayadvaita Swami 10/2007)I don’t mean to say that everybody’s just a shameless hedonist. You know that as soon as we pile out of this room we’re all going to be…
We’re trying to enthuse material things with joy. You know we talk it up and say, this is the best!! You know… Party!!! or the best club! Or the best,…
(Jayadvaita Swami 10/2007) AUDIENCE: If within the material world you, it makes you happy to go a club and dance for a few hours, why is that wrong?JAYADVAITA SWAMI: What’s…
It doesn’t mean that all I do is sit and chant and meditate, and I don’t eat, I don’t talk to anyone, I don’t work, I don’t function, I enter…
AUDIENCE: … you bought it with your money, so it is your property isn’t it?JAYADVAITA SWAMI: Really? You know I buy a car with my money and then it’s my…
(Jayadvaita Swami 10/2007)IMMENSE VARIETYPrabhupada had very definite teachings to give that were also contrary to what was going around. What was generally going around is that when we talk about…
(Jayadvaita Swami 10/2007) AUDIENCE: I just wondered for example for a mosquito, if in their life, they was like injecting malaria into people, and like, causing loads of suffering to…
AUDIENCE: Can you say a little more about Prabhupada and the 60’s? Can you say a little more? Was he an American or an Indian…?JAYADAVAITA SWAMI: Yes I can say…
AUDIENCE: So if I wanted to become Hare Krishna, what would I have to do? What kind of, you said do not do intoxicating myself and what else did I…
AUDIENCE: What does it mean to you to be a monk and to renounce everything material?JAYADVAITA SWAMI: What does it mean to be a monk and to renounce everything material?…
They have a materialistic outlook: “There is no God, everything is just going on by nature’s own interactions, everything is unreal, everything is just a dream, it is whatever you…
By Nama-rupa dd Hare Krishna, HH Jayadvaita Swami was visiting Stockholm recently. You can download lectures if you click here, than go to mp3 archive/ Jayadvaita Swami, there you…
Jayadvaita Swami gave a nice class about the material nature and our hapiness of this world. Check it out here : Watch videoCannot click the link?http://www.filmworkstudios.co.uk/KCPAGES/page3/East_Jamming_HH_JAS_11-09-09.html
Jayadvaita Swami speaks in East London on the pursuit of real happiness with the youth of ISKCON Pandava Sena. Click on this link for video: http://www.filmworkstudios.co.uk/KCPAGES/page3/East_Jamming_HH_JAS_11-09-09.html
(HH JAS 10/2007)Lady Speaks: Burton Russel said that knowledge is this one possession we have which is never ending, it’s like a river you can take, take it as much…
(HH JAS 10/2007) My main work is in publishing. I do editorial work in spiritual publishing. I met my spiritual teacher in 1968 in New York city …. I was…
Question by Youth: What do you mean by higher taste?(HH JAS 10/2007) :Well just like if you had a little biscuit in your hand and you were hungry and I…
Transcribed by Nama-rupa Devotee’s question: As you were saying Brahmacharya’s are trained to ignore the women does that also exclude being polite. HH JAS: No…if you are separate then you…
Transcribed by Nama-rupa HH JAS: In the Vedic civilization the men are out working someplace and the women are doing their business together. That’s very nice, they have their…
Transcribed by Nama-rupa dd Devotee speaks: When a man gives a lot of attention to a woman, listens to her, nods his head, in this way expressing very friendly emotions…
Transcribed by Nama-rupa dd HH JAS: Prabhupada said the defect with materialistic civilization especially western materialistic civilization is that they have friendship: men and women are like friends and they…
Transcribed by Nama-rupa dd HH JAS: …That’s what a human being is or a living entity is in this material world, a combination of matter and spirit. So a…
Transcribed by Nama-rupa dd HH JAS: Lord Chaitanya said that even if I see the wooden form of a woman my mind gets agitated. By nature’s arrangement the form…
Transcribed by Nama-rupa dd HH JAS: Today’s ekadasi…so suppose someone has decided to fast, not that you have to, but suppose you’ve decided today I won’t eat anything, so because…
Question from audience: I’ve heard Srila Prabhupada say that while the material body is there the attraction is there. Does a sober person feel the attraction and simply doesn’t act…
HH JAS: Prabhupad said that sex life is like the Delhi Ladu. The famous celebrated Ladus of Delhi and if you haven’t had one or if you don’t have one…
HH JAS: Here the danger is that one can be captivated by these false allurements and try to be happy and wind up dissatisfied and beset by so many troubles,…
HH JAS: Just as a sober person doesn’t go chasing after mirages and go running away from illusionary tigers, so a sober person doesn’t become agitated by sex life and…