Browsing: Website updates

The latest on the inner workings of this website, updates and changes. What happens on the techie side of KKSBlog, yearly statistics and financial reports. The nitty gritty…

Written by Szilvia Bukta-Mako Book Marathon and Bhagavad-gita The month of December was an active month with the book marathon and the celebration of one of the most important books…

In 2020 we are celebrating the 15th birthday of KKSBlog, the official website for news and media about Kadamba Kanana Swami. We have grown from a simple blog to a…

Before we welcome 2020, here is a quick summary of 2019. We got a new editor of KKSBlog, released new (and free) e-books, introduced a new online shop manager, published…

You might have noticed that things have slowed down a bit on KKSBlog. We used to post daily quotes & stories, regular audio recordings and more of that good stuff.…

The festivals keep coming! The Vyasa-puja festival was just a month ago and now we are already planning for Kartik; this time with a special surprise! Before we however get…

You might have noticed that our “Daily Newsletter” was not delivered daily anymore over time. More and more “live action” is happening on the big social platforms. WhatsApp and other…

We have been slowly but steadily adding the audio albums of Kadamba Kanana Swami to major streaming platforms like Spotify, iTunes and Google Play (plus 50+ more or so). Vaisnava…

Contemplation and meditation… These are the basis of any story on KKSBlog and therefore good ingredients to start the year anew. But before we dive headfirst into 2019, we present…

Did you already have a chance to visit our (not so new anymore) KKSBlog page on Facebook? Well here is your chance… Click here! No Facebook? Join our newsletter and stay…

It took us almost a whole week to give KKSBlog a makeover. And that is excluding the planning that happened beforehand. But we think the end result was worth it! We…

KKSBlog will be offline for major maintenance from Thu 27 Oct – Tue 31 Oct. If the maintenance will go smoothly this window will be shortened if possible. The site…

We wish you a Merry 2015, etc etc…. Did you know? We had 12673 views per month! (last years average was 8510) South Africans visited the blog the most with…

You may have noticed that you did not receive the Daily News emails recently. Also, our Facebook group became eerily silent. As always, the fault is ours because we have been changing…

We just released the latest and greatest album by Kadamba Kanana Swami called “Heart and Soul”. If you are fortunate enough to already own one yourself then you know this…

As always another round of improvements to kksblog, also in 2013, to make your blog experience even better. Improved Security and Speed KKSBlog is now hosted in the cloud! We…

Out with the ‘old’ and in with the new. The new & improved kksblog is available to you. We hope you like the new design and we keep improving the…

In the weekend of 9, 10, 11 and 12 Nov the blog will not be available due to maintenance. We are moving to a new webhostings company and a new…

We have been looking and thinking about the design of a new logo for the new blog. And we still do not really know what we like to see there. So the best thing to do is ask you! Have you any ideas about a logo? Or can you give us an excellent idea or p…

You favorite website 😉 will be offline for a while due to extensive updates to the website.Like is will be moved to another webhosting. Sorry for the inconvenience…

Dear DevoteesHare KrishnaAll Glories To Srila PrabhupadaThe beginning of the blog was 16th January 2008 and today on the the 8th April 2010 we are glad to share with you…

In one year we had 11874 visitors from 95 countries !!. Thanks for all the support and viewing.And it looks like we need to attract people from Greenland, Africa and…