What are Our Costs?
KKSBlog is made by volunteers. These volunteers bring you the latest news, transcripts and other media about Kadamba Kanana Swami and Jayadvaita Swami. And it has been very successful for 10+ years with 3600+ articles and 10000+ images. With your help we can cover the expenses to continue this.
Our yearly costs for running this website are as follows:
- Webhosting : € 200
- Backups: €200
- Security & Antivirus: €200
- Domains €40
- KKSContacts: €60
- Shipping materials: €50
For a total of: € 750 euro/year
Financial report 2020
As mentioned in this post the financial dealings (income and costs) are covered by the anual Vyasa-puja fundraising. To give you an idea about the running costs of KKSBlog like hosting and software here is a short overview of 2020.
Hosting, security & Software (KBH) | € 1,092.75 |
Shipping costs (KBS) | € 16.38 |
Bank,PayPal,Bandcamp fees (KBF) | € 0.00 |
Streaming platform costs (KBST) | € 0.00 |
Hardware investments (KBI) | € 74.15 |
Product costs (KBP) | € 93.87 |
Other costs (KBO) | € 0.00 |
Total Costs | € 1,277.15 |
Financial report 2019
As mentioned in this post the financial dealings (income and costs) are covered by the anual Vyasa-puja fundraising. To give you an idea about the running costs of KKSBlog like hosting and software here is a short overview of 2019.
Hosting, security & Software (KBH) | € 579.85 |
Shipping costs (KBS) | € 0.00 |
Bank,PayPal,Bandcamp fees (KBF) | € 22.95 |
Streaming platform costs (KBST) | € 134.44 |
Hardware investments (KBI) | € 354.72 |
Product costs (KBP) | € 0.00 |
Other costs (KBO) | € 0.00 |
Total Costs | € 1,091.96 |
Financial Report 2018
2018 started with a balance of 719 euro from 2017.
Sales | €1,768.14 |
Donations (D) | €1,648.57 |
Balance (BL) | €719.20 |
Total | €4,135.91 |
Balance | €1,822.10 |
Costs in 2018
Hosting, security & Software (H) | €418.90 |
Shipping costs (S) | €111.31 |
Banking fees (B) | €29.92 |
Fees PayPal, Bandcamp, etc | €119.98 |
Streaming platform costs (C) | €282.52 |
Hardware investments (I) | €1,326.28 |
Product costs (P) | €24.90 |
Total | €2,313.81 |
Financial Report 2017
2017 started with a balance of 536 euro from 2016. At the end of 2017 we had a balance of 804 euro.
Income: € 1812
Total costs: € 1051
Costs summarized
Website hosting & software licenses: € 655
Publication Streaming platforms: €240
Shipping and promotional costs: € 30
Other costs (refund CD sales, hardware costs, banking fees, etc): € 83
Paypal fees: € 20
Bandcamp fees: € 23
Financial Report 2016
Income: € 1872
Total costs: € 1350
Costs summarized
Website hosting & software licenses: € 483
Shipping and promotional costs: € 84
Other costs (refund CD sales, hardware costs, banking fees, etc): € 695
Paypal fees: € 60
Bandcamp fees: € 28
Financial Report 2015
Incoming: € 1039
Total costs: € 1202
Costs summarized:
Website hosting: € 232.6
Website software: € 481.22
Paypal fees: € 49
Bandcamp fees: € 31
Financial Report 2014
In 2014, we added the online shop with CD’s, USB drives and other media. Up until 2014, KKSBlog had been collecting funds to cover the yearly costs. The shop was started to help raise funds to cover the expenses. Here are the results:
Incoming: € 1842
Total Costs: € 1621
Costs summarized:
Website hosting: € 288.99
Website software: € 377.62
Website security: € 643.74
Paypal fees: € 39
Bandcamp fees: € 39
Financial Report 2013
Incoming: € 2242.72
- Donations & Support € 1962.71
- Servant Fund: € 161,01
- Vyasa-puja: € 65
- Bank Balance 2012: € 54
Total Costs: € 663.83
- Website Hosting: € 56.46
- Website Software: € 84.03
- Website Security: € 282.65
- Hardware investments: € 220.29
- Banking fees: € 17,40
- Paypal fees: € 40.60
- Bandcamp fees: € 29.96
Balance 2013: € 1578.89
The following people have supported us.
Buy an Album
- Laszlo Tomori
- Tamas, Norway
- Subash Velagapudi – Sudama das
- Vanessa Schutz, Switzerland
- Yajneshvar Arumugam
Donated by PayPal & Bank
- Aindavi dd, Australia
- Anonymous
- Astha Sakhi dd, Netherlands
- Bahulasva das, Sweden
- Csaba Szabo, Hungary
- Csitraketu das, Csaba Szabó, Hungary
- Doyal Govinda das, Germany
- Gita Govinda devi dasi, The Netherlands
- Govardhanesvari dd, Germany
- Keshava Madhava das, Switzerland
- Madhava das – Mica Pilsbury, Australia
- Nadia mani dd, Netherlands
- Nama rupa devi dasi, Sweden
- Padmanabha, Australia
- Ravindra Svarupa Das, The Netherlands
- Shiva Nanda, Syama Chandra das, Australia
- Stritama Shereitt, Hawai
- Subash Velagapudi – Sudama das
- Sveta Ganga dd, Nayanabhirama d, Australia
- Uddhava das, The Netherlands
- Vanessa Schutz, Switzerland
- Yajneshvar Arumugam
* We do not list the individual amounts that people have contributed as a matter of privacy and general safety practices.
Financial report 2012
jan 2012: 15 euro. Thank you
aug 2012: Anonymous donation 100 pounds. Thank you
Donations received: € 523.26
Orders received: € 325
Total Costs: € 910.23
– Order costs: 233.85
Total Income: € 964.32
Total Costs: € 910.23
Balance: € 54
Financial report 2011
A special thanks to Rustam Karimov for donating a major contribution!
Bank Balance : € 177.06
Donations received: € 287
Orders received: € 112
Total Costs: € 460
– Hosting : € 400
– PR : € 0.00
– Order costs (media, shipping etc) : € 60
Total Income: € 399
Total Costs: € 460
Balance: € 116.06
Financial Report 2010
We like to thank Samira & Marcel (Netherlands), Vinod Bihari d (Netherlands), Ondrej Hladek (Czech), Alice Plage (Germany), Alexandra Tcherkassova (Russia,Germany), Dimitry van Ackeleyen (Belgium), Nama Rupa dd (Sweden), Nrtya Gita dd (FI), Holger Kunze (DE), Campakalata dd (NL) and Yamuna dd (Croatia) for their kind donations. Contributors 2010
Bank Balance : € 80.06
Donations received: € 342
Orders received: € 435
Total Costs: € 680
– Hosting : € 400
– PR : € 0.00
– Order costs (media, shipping etc) : € 280
Total Income: € 777
Total Costs: € 680
Balance: € 177.06
Financial Report 2009
Bank Balance 2008: € 246.09
Donations received: € 0.00
Orders received: € 19.00
Total Costs: € 185.00
– hosting : € 175
– PR : € 0.00
– Order costs (media, shipping etc) : € 10.00
Total Income: 19.00
Total Costs: 185.00
Balance: 80.06
Financial Report 2008

Financial Report 2007