You have a laptop or desktop computer.
Choose your situation:
Music bought from KKSBlog
1. Open your order confirmation email
2. Click on the download link
The mp3 or zip file will download automatically. *
If you downloaded the mp3 file you can immediately play it or add it to your favourite music player.
If you downloaded the whole mp3 album as a zip file you need to extract it. On MacOS double click the zip archive to extract it automatically. On Windows you might need an extra application (for example 7-zip).
Enjoy listening.
* MP3’s will sometimes play automatically in your browser. Make sure to save it to your computer! Use right-click and “Save link as…” or “Save target as…” to store it.
Ebooks from KKSBlog shop
These steps will help you download ebooks from KKSblog media page or when you have bought them in the shop.
1. Open your order confirmation email
2. Click on the download link
The ebook or zip file will download automatically. *
If you downloaded the zip archive you need to extract it. On MacOS double click the zip archive to extract it automatically. On Windows you might need an extra application (for example 7-zip).
Enjoy reading!
* PDF’s will sometimes open automatically in your browser. Make sure to save it to your computer!
Ebooks from KKSBlog media pages
1. Open the media page on
2. Click on the ebook link that you want to download
3. The ebook will automatically download. Enjoy reading!
* PDF’s will sometimes open automatically in your browser. Make sure to save it to your computer!
Download card / Download code
1. Visit this page:
2. Enter your download code in the first field. (leave your email address if you like)
3. Click on the [Redeem] button.
4. Click on the ▼ to choose the audio format
5. Download the files by clicking on the album name in blue (in this case “Yoga of Devotion”)
Enjoy listening…