Recordings – May 2017
In may 2017 Kadamba Kanana swami was in the UK for a short haul. Here you can find the recordings made during this short trip to england. You can find…
In may 2017 Kadamba Kanana swami was in the UK for a short haul. Here you can find the recordings made during this short trip to england. You can find…
Written by Krishna Kirtan On 10th of May, Kadamba Kanana Swami came to England after an incredible Sri Nrsimha Caturdasi festival in Simhacalam temple, South-West of Germany. Sutapa and Vaisnava…
Here are the recordings of March 2017 from Cape Town,South Africa, London in the UK and of course Amsterdam. Download them all in one archive or listen to them individually.…
Written by Rishi Ruparelia After the Swiss Retreat, Kadamba Kanana Swami spent a few days in London and then travelled to Goloka Dhama, Germany for the Pandava Sena Retreat. Pandava Sena…
Written by Nimai In honour of ISKCON’s 50 year anniversary, ISKCON London organized a Boat Festival on the River Thames this past Sunday (31 July). Over 500 guests boarded the…
Written by Nandan Morning Class: Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 13.9 Another bright and cool morning. Kadamba Kanana Swami arrived at the Manor during Guru Puja. Instead of taking the front route…
Written by Nandan Kadamba Kanana Swami and his considerably tanned servant Nimai arrived at Luton airport, travelling from Italy, on a pleasant English Summer’s day! Present to receive them were Gurudas,…
In the build-up to the London Ratha Yatra festival which takes place this Sunday, 17 July 2016, Kadamba Kanana Swami will give a special morning class at Bhaktivedanta Manor focusing on…
Hare Krishna dear God family, The events of this blog took place in London just before Maharaj left for India and then to South Africa where he was diagnosed with a…
Written by Bhakta Nandan Morning Class – Srimad Bhagavatam 9.19.11 Following on from the last Bhagavatam class Maharaj gave at the Manor, in this verse King Yayati gives an allegorical…
Written by Bhakta Nandan Arrival, 30 June So it looks like we are still not out of the woods yet with regards to Maharaj’s toothache (following on from Maharaj’s last…
Kadamba Kanana Swami visited England from 10-17 June and 29 June-02 July. Presented below are recordings and photos from his various engagements. We have published many articles previously describing the…
On 11 June 2015, Kadamba Kanana Swami presented a lecture at the Chinese Sanga at Reading University, in England. Sadly, no audio recording was captured but here is an elaborate description.…
During Kadamba Kanana Swami’s visit to the UK (10-17 June), Bhakta Nandan very diligently made notes during Maharaj’s classes and informal conversations with disciples. The content was too good not…
Written by Nandan Morning Class at Bhaktivedanta Manor (14 June) CC Madhya 13: Ecstatic dancing of Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the Jagannatha Puri Ratha Yatra So today was the day that…
Written by Bhakta Nandan Arrival in England (10 June) The time is 6.38 pm at Luton Airport. A handful of Maharaj’s disciples are waiting in anticipation at the arrivals lounge,…
Please find below, recordings from Kadamba Kanana Swami’s visit to England (10-19 January). Courtesy of Bhakta Shiv. To listen online, press the play button. To download, right-click on a title…
Report by Nandan Arrival in London After the Sankirtan Festival and having spent a few days in Germany, Kadamba Kanana Swami traveled to England. It was a crisp, cold evening…
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 19 February 2013, London, England, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.13) The Hari Bhakti Vilasa (is a book) which was conceptionalised by Sanatana Gosvami. Then Gopala Bhatta Gosvami together with Sanatana…
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 19 February 2013, London, England, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.13) Even if you do things at the most inauspicious time, when you chant Hare Krsna, it becomes all auspicious! Srila…
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 19 February 2013, London, England, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.13) Anyone can become Krsna conscious! Anyone can go back to Godhead, as Prabodananda Saraswati Thakur explains in many verses,…
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 19 February 2013, London, England, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.13) If Krsna would just leave us alone to get tired of sense gratification, we might never get tired. Sense…
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 19 February 2013, London, England, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.13) We get mercy through both Krsna and the devotees. Krsna is sending us devotees and devotees give us Krsna. So…
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 19 February 2013, London, England, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.13) When we speak about the disciplic succession, there is an idea – maybe a little overly simplified idea – that…