Browsing: South Africa

Please find below, audio recordings of lectures and kirtans by Kadamba Kanana Swami captured during September 2017 in Mauritius and South Africa. Download all Mauritius recordings (1.1 GB) Download all…

After leaving India, Kadamba Kanana Swami visited South Africa from 04-21 April. Maharaj spent his first few days in SA in Johannesburg and celebrated Rama Naumi at the temple in Lenasia.…

Please find below recordings of lectures and kirtans by Kadamba Kanana Swami.  Download ALL (zip file, 1.1 GB) Mauritius KKS_Mauritius_27October2016_HouseProgram_Kirtan KKS_Mauritius_27October2016_HouseProgram_Lecture KKS_Mauritius_26October2016_HouseProgram_Kirtan KKS_Mauritius_25October2016_PetitRaffrayCentre_Kirtan KKS_Mauritius_25October2016_PetitRaffrayCentre_Lecture_CC_Antya_1.1-2 KKS_Mauritius_25October2016_HouseProgram_Morning_Lecture_CC_Madhya_2.31…

Written by Sesa Das Early on Friday morning (07 October), Kadamba Kanana Swami flew from Cape Town to Lanseria, Johannesburg. There were no programs scheduled that day so Maharaj got…

Please find below recent recordings of lectures and kirtans by Kadamba Kanana Swami.  Download ALL (zip file, 931 MB) Johannesburg  KKS_SA_13October2016_SowetoProgram_Lecture KKS_SA_13October2016_SowetoProgram_Kirtan KKS_SA_11October2016_PTA_TempleProgram_Lecture KKS_SA_11October2016_PTA_TempleProgram_Kirtan KKS_SA_08October2016_JHB_NamaHatta_Lecture…

Please find below recordings of lectures and kirtans by Kadamba Kanana Swami captured during September.  Download ALL (zip file, 1.3 GB) Durban  KKS_DBN_30September2016_YouthProgram_Short_Lecture KKS_DBN_30September2016_YouthProgram_Kirtan KKS_DBN_29September2016_HouseProgram_Kirtan KKS_DBN_27September2016_Lecture_SB_2.4.19…

For various reasons, we were delayed in bringing to you these recordings of Kadamba Kanana Swami captured during the months of April and May. Download ALL India KKS_IND_Vrindavan_02May2016_Evening_Kirtan…

Prior to leaving South Africa, Kadamba Kanana Swami did programs in Durban and Johannesburg. Here are all the audio recordings for you. Download ALL. KKS_SA_DBN_08January2016_SSRR_Lecture_SB_1.18.20 KKS_SA_DBN_08January2016_NJP_Evening_Lecture_SB_10.86.52 KKS_SA_DBN_09January2016_PMB_Home_Program_Kirtan…

The Drakensberg Retreat took place from from 03-07 January. Please find audio recordings below. Download ALL.  KKS_SA_Drakensberg_03January2016_Introductory_Kirtan KKS_SA_Drakensberg_03January2016_Introductory_Lecture_The_two_realities KKS_SA_Drakensberg_03January2016_End_Kirtan KKS_SA_Drakensberg_04January2016_Morning_Lecture KKS_SA_Drakensberg_04January2016_Afternoon_Kirtan KKS_SA_Drakensberg_04January2016_Afternoon_Lecture_Priti_Sandarbha KKS_SA_Drakensberg_05January2016_Morning_Kirtan…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 21 November 2012, Cape Town, South Africa, Evening Lecture) Krsnadas Kaviraj Goswami describes how the tongue is desert-like… always dry and in constant need of an endless flow…

Apologies for the lack of chronology in the recent travel posts. Kadamba Kanana Swami interrupted his stay in Mayapur with a short visit to South Africa. Here is a report by Candrasekhara dasa.…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 11 September 2013, Durban, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.38) One who remembers Krsna all the time becomes captured by Krsna. Krsna slowly captures us. It is said: jayati…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 8 September 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa, Home Program) Our position is to become a messenger, to become an instrument and follow the path that Krsna went, then…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 11 September 2013, Durban, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.38) There is a part in us that does not want to surrender. That is the lazy part; it…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 23 July 2013, Durban, South Africa, First grain ceremony) Growing up in a family of devotees, it is mentioned in the scriptures, is someone who is finishing…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 15 December 2012, Phoenix Ratha Yatra, South Africa, Q&A Lecture) Well, I have been thinking about a metaphor. I call it the step-by-step metaphor. In material life,…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 4 January 2013, Ladysmith, South Africa) So little by little, by hearing and chanting, our remembering also changes. It says sravanam, kirtanam, smaranam – hearing, chanting and remembering.…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 20 December 2012, Durban, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 12.6.4) Everything is not only emanating from Krsna, ishvara parama krsna, sacidananda vigraha, but everything is also meant for Krsna. The…

The final days in South Africa were spent in the Johannesburg region. At the Sunday program in Lenasia (6 January 2013), Maharaja gave an inspirational lecture for the new year. After a…

Maharaja is still in South Africa. His recovery and health regime are still top priority. Although far from fully recovered, he continues doing programs whenever possible. He returned to Durban…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, December 2012, Phoenix, South Africa, Ratha Yatra)   Krsna’s mercy is available to all; the envious or non-envious. Krsna is merciful. However, for the envious, that mercy…

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, 16 December 2012, Phoenix, South Africa)   Life after life, we live in forgetfulness of the bigger picture. Instead of (becoming) mahatma or great minded souls, we…

By Kadamba Kanana Swami  Ayurveda There’s not much going on externally. It’s a health retreat. Confined by bodily limitations. So there are no travels, no programs but rest, some exercise,…

Kadamba Kanana Swami arrived in South Africa on Tuesday (20 November) together with Sri Giriraja. He spent three days in Cape Town which was more of a transit stay-over as…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 14th September 2012, Lecture: CC Madhya-Lila 13.1-8, Pretoria, South Africa) It’s not difficult for Krsna to kill demons, that’s obvious. He is all powerful so he can do…

Just a few days ago, HH Kadamba Kanana Swami arrived back in South Africa! After all the super amazing and surcharging festivals that devotees were presenting on the blog of…